When assigned a project, or an essay for a class, it is usually accompanied by many groans of students, loud sighs of annoyance, and the rolling of eyes, usually from everyone in the class, except of course from the teacher. The deadline is in a month, so naturally most students in the class completely forget about the assignment until the week before it is due, or even the night before due. When students actually realize they still haven’t completed the project, they start to panic, becoming stressed out and anxious. They hurriedly do the project, turning it in messy and disorganized, most likely getting a lower than expected grade. This is known as procrastination.
The definition of “procrastination” is, to delay or postpone action; put off doing something. This seems to be a disease shared greatly between students all over the country. I myself am probably one of the biggest procrastinators out there, in my opinion I thought I was just too lazy, and uninterested to care for my school work. After taking a quiz that I found on a psychology website, and reading the results I found out however, that is not the case. The article stated that in my case I fear failure, when I put in effort but the outcome however is still negative I get anxious, discouraged, and avoid doing my work. This seems to be fairly correct, when I think about past projects, papers, or tasks that I have been given, and put in a great amount of effort to do well, then I end up with a failing grade, I become annoyed, anxious, and discouraged.
Knowing that I procrastinate, and how it has a negative effect on my schoolwork, and grades. I would like to know what different tips there are to help me complete my work properly, and on time. I have found a website that lists 8 things that I could do to possibly improve my work habits, and help me to procrastinate less. A few things that I can do is to figure out the best times I can work during the day, and create a schedule to work at my favorite times.
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