Monday, May 19, 2014

Jose Quilis
-A good Memory-

    It was Sunday evening, as is normal in Spain, we gather all together on Sundays and have a traditional paella. But that day was special; it was my sister's birthday, 3 June. My mum as usual she had prepared food for 50,000 people, although we were only six: my brother and his girlfriend, my sister, my dad, my mum and I. Everything was normal, the food was delicious as always and we were having a great time all together, suddenly we hear the door. It was my uncle, his family, and my brother's friend, which he was still in his police uniform from. After letting everyone in we tried to sit down to the table, the door again, of course. My cousin, as always, was late. We tried again, as the expression says "The third time's a charm" We finally made it to the table. I remember we had a chair of each time, I had to bring chairs from everywhere in the house, my room, the sitting room, the kitchen, I remember me carring chairs from every single part of the house. 
    So if we jump into half way the lunch everithing was going normal, we were having fun, but then my brother out of nowwhere said "we are going to get married"  I was crying, I could not stop laughing for about ten minutes I was having trouble breathing, my sister was worst than me, at first we thought he was joking but Vanessa his wife showed us the ring we then realised that it was serious, altho we were still laughfing. We laugh and laugh for quite a time, and even now that he is married and he is going to have his first son, i found it funny, and i can still not imagine him as a married person, altho he has been married since 6 th july 2012, and they are having there first baby  in july    2014.   Everytime I remember this I laugh and makes me remember one of the best moments of my life.

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