Thursday, February 5, 2015

Nick's Narrative

Nick Lucchesi
Mrs. Hudak
American Lit
5 Febuary, 2015

There was a time about a year ago where I ignored what my parents had told me. It was a Friday during my sophomore year that we were going to be dismissed from school early, around 11, 11:30. I had thought about not going to school that day because there were other things I would have rather done then just go to school for a couple hours because we really wouldn’t have had much to do in the time that we were going to be there. Earlier in the week I was talking to a couple of friends, just kind of talking about a few things that we could do instead of going to school. There were a few things that we could do such as just sleeping in, meeting up at the beach later, or just chill and watch TV or play video games. But the following day which was a Saturday, was the date of the Low Country Red Fish Cup tournament in Beaufort. This tournament was one of the biggest Red Fish tournaments of the year. So I had talked my friend who was fishing with me and he said that he could get out of school for the day, and I thought I could just miss the half day since we wouldn’t be doing much. It was Thursday night and I was explaining to my Dad how important it would be if we could pre fish Friday for the tournament so that we could have more spots and have a better idea of where the fish would be with the specific tide and wind conditions. My Dad understood how important it would be if we could pre fish, but at the same time he thought that I should go to school then just fish after. But I knew that if I wanted to pre fish the tides that we would have for the tournament, I would have to be on the water by about 8, 8:10. Considering all that my Dad still wanted me to go to school for the half day. So of course I just simply said yes. The following morning my parents had a business meeting so they would be leaving around the same time I would be leaving for school. So we left and I had made the turn like I was going to the school. I turned around and hitched up the boat, and Gavin and I went fishing. Everything was going fine until Gavin got a call from the school wondering where he was, luckily neither of us got in serious trouble, but I think we both may have learned our lesson about skipping school.  

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