Tuesday, February 25, 2014


“If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

    People judge all the time, every day, every hour, every minute.  No matter if they are a stranger, best friend, or sister, it’s human nature to judge.  While yes it’s natural for a person to judge someone else, the next step of what we do after judging, however is our choice.  Your past can effect how you perceive a person in the present, it has been studied and proven that you can fall in love with a person, just because they look like someone you used to love.  Even when you become angry at someone, it is understood that most of your anger is released because of what has been done to you by someone who looked like the person, that has recently annoyed you.

    To stop the problem of judging someone from your past, you have to stop and take a moment when meeting someone.  When you get a moment to think, try to understand if your judging the person because they have a similar appearance to someone you knew in the past, or because it’s a real judgment.  The website that helped me to understand one of the many reasons we judge stated that, as well as other helpful tips to stop judging, or to understand why you do it.

    A different article stated people judge others because, we wouldn’t tolerate the same behavior, or characteristic they portray if it was ourself.  Another reason why people judge is because we are envious of something that the person has, and in order to make ourselves feel better we have to find something negative about them.

    Judging is a normal everyday reoccurring thing in society today, it’s used during job interviews, court cases, college applications, and most sport competitions.  It seems that because so many things we as humans do now a days include judging, it’s become a normal acceptable thing to do.  While yes in those situations it’s necessary to judge, society should realize that judging people based on their appearance isn’t acceptable and should be stopped.

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